We are almost one year into our fundraising campaign and we still have a little ways to go!
Increased costs have been met with increased donations from local businesses but we need your help to raise our initial goal of $50,000 from the membership. With over 250 families registered at our park we hope that you can find a sponsor, bottle drive or other way to help reach our goal.
We have the plan approved and the building purchased. We continue to move forward with the foundation work expecting to complete that this spring. Now we need to raise the remaining funds to construct the building and finish up the landscaping and interior.
The 40’x70′ building at Centennial Park will provide an indoor space for local kids of all ages to enjoy for generations to come.
Our local businesses are stepping up in a HUGE way to provide materials, labour and cash donations. They understand the value of play, fun and community. If you can help please contact treasurer@cslittleleague.com or click here to visit our GoFundMe page.
Please click here to take a quick look at sponsor letter
You can also donate your bottles at any of the three Island Return-It locations by asking to give to Central Saanich Little League.
See the article in the Peninsula News Review.
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