Prospect Teams & Applications

Little League is now allowing tournament teams to run all season long. With that in mind CSLL has decided to offer a Prospects program for players interested in becoming a part of either year end tournament team. The teams are for 9/10 year olds and 11/12 year olds (league age). The Prospects teams will practice most every Friday from April 17th thru to mid June where the manager will then make their final roster.

These teams require full commitment from everyone. By registering on the Prospects program you are committing to the potential to be on the tournament team. There will be a $30 fee (due at registration) to play prior to the mid June deadline where managers make their final roster. The monies will go towards the tournament teams costs. Deadline to apply to play on the Prospects teams is April 15th, 2015. Please email our Registrar to register.

The Prospects teams will be comprised of a manager, assistant coaches and a team coordinator. These positions can be applied for by completing the application (click here) and submitting to the President via email at Deadline to apply for staff roles is midnight April 11th, 2015.

 The teams have the ability to play exhibition games inside and/or outside of Little League. District 7 tournament details can be found at

For any questions please contact the VP of Player & Coaches.

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