Pitch Hit & Run winners announced

Congratulations to our PHR winners from our opening ceremonies!!

We will be recognizing the players and handing out the awards this Wednesday April 12th at 545pm. Please come upstairs in the clubhouse to collect your prize and have a group picture taken.

2017 CSLL Pitch Hit & Run Champions
Ages All Around Pitching Hitting Running
5-6 Ryan Westgate Carter Weinmeyer Poppy Aitken-Salmons Noah Bussoli
  Noah Bussoli Ryan Westgate    
    Dylan Owen    
7-8 Cayge Brenton Quinton Izzard Cayge Brenton Joshua Paiva
9-10 Nolan Weinmeyer Levi Leatherman Nolan Weinmeyer Nolan Weinmeyer
11-12 Peter Cunningham Peter Cunningham George Timmins Peter Cunningham
13-14 Haldon Craig Matthew Wong-Loewen Haldon Craig Aiden Wittman

Thanks for taking part in our PHR event! We hope you had fun and will tell others to join in!

Those in the 7-14 age groups can continue on to the sectionals in May/Jun. Details will follow.


  1. Thanks for putting this together. The players had a lot of fun.
    Who were the winners for the “Run” part of the competition?

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