9:00 – 10:30  Pancake Breakfast over at the Picnic Area by Diamond #1 hosted by the Lions. $5 each

                     All proceeds help to support the community through the Lions. Come early to avoid line-ups.

9:00 – 10:30  Pitch, Hit & Run competition – Register upstairs at Diamond #5

Age 5/6

July 18, 2012 – July 17, 2014

Age 7/8

July 18, 2010 – July 17, 2012

Age 9/10

July 18, 2008 – July 17, 2010

Age 11/12

July 18, 2006 – July 17, 2008

Age 13/14

July 18, 2004 – July 17, 2006


5-8 years old

D2 – Pitch into a 17″ x 30″ strike zone

D1 – Hit 3 balls from a tee for distance

D4 – Run – all players run 120′ from 2nd Base to Home plate (timed event)


9-14 years old

D2 – Pitch into a 17″ x 30″ strike zone

D4 – Run – all players run 120′ from 2nd Base to Home plate (timed event)

D5 – Hit 3 balls from a tee for distance


Points will be awarded for each individual event with a winner for age groups.

9:00 – 10:30   Home Run Derby – Register upstairs at Diamond #5

            12U (born on or after Jul 18, 2006)

            14U (born Jul 18, 2004 – Jul 17, 2006)

            16U (born Jul 18, 2002 – Jul 17, 2004)

10:30 – 10:45  Teams gather together at Diamond #5

10:45 – 11:00  Opening Day Ceremonies Diamond #5

11:00 – League photo in front of the scoreboard

11:15 – 3:00 Play Ball

Mascots including Harvey the Harbour Cat, Cooper the Bear and Sparky!


50/50 and equipment raffle tickets will be for sale


CSLL clothing & merchandise will be for sale (cash, debit or cheque accepted)


CSLL Opening Ceremonies Game Schedule

Find your team on the schedule below. These are fun 2 inning games where every player bats each inning (Blastball are run as normal). No score is kept. Try to keep the games moving as fast as possible. Start on time so that games are not delayed. COME DRESSED IN YOUR UNIFORM! SHOW YOUR CS PRIDE!


BLASTBALL                                                    T-BALL

11:15AM-12PM                                           11:30AM-12:15PM    

FENCE LINE                                               DIAMOND #1, TEAM 4 vs TEAM 5

                                                                    DIAMOND #2, TEAM 1 vs TEAM 2

                                                                    DIAMOND #3, TEAM 3 vs TEAM 8

                                                                    DIAMOND #4, TEAM 6 vs TEAM 7

                                                                    DIAMOND #5, TEAM 9 vs PARENTS


MINI MINORS                                             ROOKIE MINORS

12:15PM-1:15PM                                        12:15PM-1:15PM

DIAMOND #2, TEAM 1 vs TEAM 4             DIAMOND #1, TEAM 1 vs TEAM 3

DIAMOND #3, TEAM 5 vs PARENTS         DIAMOND #5, TEAM 2 vs TEAM 4

DIAMOND #4, TEAM 3 vs TEAM 2             *We will hand out jerseys at Development Apr 11th                                                   


MINORS                                                      MAJORS

1:30PM-3PM                                               1:30PM-3PM

DIAMOND #1, TEAM 1 vs TEAM 2             DIAMOND #2, TEAM 1 vs TEAM 4

DIAMOND #4, TEAM 3 vs PARENTS         DIAMOND #5, TEAM 3 vs TEAM 2




DIAMOND #6, mixed teams                         Home team (3rd base dugout) listed second.





  1. Jodi klatt says

    Hi there! I’m searching the site to find someone to contact but can’t seem to find anything. I have a 3 year old that I’d love to put in blast ball, I think I missed registration though. Could we come out at the times listed to see if she could register late or is it full? I live in Cordova bay, am I in the catchment? Thank you!! Jodi

    • Good day Jodi. I’m sorry to say that our divisions are full for the season. We open registration in January each year so we hope to hear from you next year and beyond!!

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