Message from the President

Hello and welcome to our 2016 season!
We are very excited this year as we continue to work towards improving our league for players, parents
and fans alike! We’ve taken some big steps to implement a development program for our younger divisions.
We are changing the culture around our baseball park.
We are committed to creating a fun, fast paced but simple development program so that our kids
want to come back to the park.
But we need your help. CSLL is a non-profit group of volunteers who take great pride in moving forward
to improve our program for the community. But the responsibility lies on you too. There is only so much
we can do on our own. Most of us are doing multiple roles on the board plus managing/coaching etc.
So step up and lend a hand to create a better program and a better sense of community. Each team
needs help. Whether it be managing, coaching, team coordinator, helping to setup the fields, putting balls
on a tee at practice, scorekeeping, keeping the bench in order or whatever. It’s up to all of us to pitch in
and make this program a success.
At Little League we want to use the game of baseball to teach our kids the values they need to become
good citizens and create a better community. You are the role model.
Make your childs time at baseball a great experience. Contact your division or team coordinator to
lend a hand. Visit to contact us and get started on building your

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