HarbourCats Group-option Pricing

If you’re looking to celebrating the end of the year with your team or some friends, HarbourCats have a package. All group option pricing is for Reserved General Admission Bleacher Seating

  • For Premium/Grandstand seating, please add $5 per person
  • Fireworks or Opening night, please add $2 per person
  • Add a bag of Wilson’s Mini Donuts $4 per person


  1. Hot Dog, Pop & Ticket — $20 + GST
  2. Floyds Burger, Pop & Ticket — $23 + GST


  1. Hot Dog, Beer & Ticket — $22 + GST
  2. Floyd’s Burger, Beer & Ticket — $26 + GST

Please contact Assistant General Manager, Brittany French to reserve your year-end group party at Brittany@harbourcats.com or at (778) 265-0327. You can view their schedule here.

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