Hampton Little League is running SummerBall again this year. Players can register now on the Hampton website: http://www.hamptonlittleleague.org/
Summer Baseball fun returns to Victoria!
What is SummerBall? • A non-competitive co-ed baseball league @ Hampton Park. • Two divisions: ages 8 to 10 and ages 11 to 13 before May 1st. • Open to all players from BC Minor Baseball, Little League, and novices. • Every team will include players from different areas of Victoria. • No practises or scorekeeping for parents. • There are no standings or trophies. • Games are scheduled Mon-Thur so no interference with weekend family travelling. • Player substitution between teams will be encouraged: so don’t feel bad if your player might miss a few games because of camping etc. Enroll him or her anyways!
Goals? • To provide a safe environment for kids where they can enjoy a fun baseball experience with no pressure. • To build friendships between players from ballparks across Victoria. When? • League will run approximately from July 22 to August 29. (12 games). Cost? • $50 for registration (includes a ball shirt to keep).
Who do I Contact? Online registration @ http://www.hamptonlittleleague.org/
Great opportunity for parents with no experience to get involved along with your player in the great game of baseball.
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