Training Facility Fundraising Begins

We are officially launching our fundraising campaign for the new training facility!

We plan to construct a 40’x70′ building at Centennial Park to provide an indoor space for kids of all ages to enjoy. This building will provide an opportunity for players from all over the peninsula to practice their baseball skills year round. 

Our league has grown 178% in the past 4 years! We feel this is due to making the game fun again. Our goal was to provide a safe community place where kids could play at the park 7 days a week. Kids come to play a game, practice, watch their friends, play catch, work as an umpire or in the concession or just come to be a part of a great community. We are making baseball fast, fun and simple. After all Little Leagues mission is to create superior citizens ahead of superior athletes.

Please click here to take a quick look at our 2 page flyer. Our local businesses are stepping up in a HUGE way to provide materials, labour and cash donations. They understand the value of play, fun and community. If you can help please contact or click here to visit our GoFundMe page. 

UPDATE- you can donate your bottles at any of the three Island Return-It locations by asking to give to Central Saanich Little League.

See the article in the Peninsula News Review.

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