Skills Competition Winners Announced

Thank you to all the participants in our opening ceremonies skills competition. We had a great turnout again.

Winners can pickup their prizes from Moe by arranging a day/time at the D5 clubhouse. Text 250-886-6323.


Ages All Around
7-8 Calder Sinclair
9-10 Beau Naysmith
11-12 Dylan Owen
Ages Pitching
7-8 Emmett Woodward
9-10 Beau Naysmith
11-12 Dylan Owen
Ages Hitting
7-8 Bryce Ferguson
9-10 Jack Duncan
11-12 Liam Cowperthwaite
Ages Running
7-8 Calder Sinclair
9-10 Evan Eakins
11-12 Ryland Floyd


HRD Winner
11-12 Dylan Owen
13-14 Jace Jones

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