2013 CSLL Annual General Meeting Oct 6th

As a very important part of our organization, you are invited to the Central Saanich Little League

2013 Annual General Meeting


The AGM is an opportunity to participate in the approval of the budget for the upcoming year, vote in new Executive members and be first to hear about some new initiatives for the upcoming baseball season.  This is also a great chance to provide feedback and even socialize a little.


Date:      Sunday, October 6th, 2013

Time:      6:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Location: Centennial Park Fieldhouse (building next to under covered picnic area and old tennis courts)


          Call meeting to order

          Approve 2012 AGM minutes

          Review 2013 Budget

          Executive reports

          Nominations for 2014 Executive

          Review new uniforms

          Approve 2014 budget

          Review new constitution

          Open forum for all members 


Food and refreshments will be served.  Be a part of your Little League Club and join us.

 Click here for the AGM notice in pdf format

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