Coach Evaluation Form

Dear Parent:
The quality of CSLL’s coaches is extremely important in our efforts to ensure a fun and rewarding season for the players and parents. Please take a few minutes to complete this evaluation with your child. The results of this form are confidential and your input will assist with the following:

  1. provide feedback to coaches
  2. assist in the selection for next year’s coaches
  3. provide guidance to the CSLL executive

Division          Blastball   Tball   Minis   Rookies   Minors   Majors   Intermediate Junior Senior

Parent/Player (optional)          
Team Name                             
List the names of the coaches you are evaluating.
Coach A (head coach)             
Coach B (assistant)                 
Coach C (assistant)                 
Coach D (assistant)                 
All information collected is sent to the President for review.

Please indicate if you would like to be contacted by the President.     Yes  No

Please rate each coach listed on the following: 1 strongly disagree to 5 strongly agree
Practices (At practices, the coach…)

Coach A Coach B Coach C Coach D
Held an adequate number of practices
Held practices that were well-planned with good content
Made good use of practice time
Made practices fun for the players
Controlled the team’s behavior
Taught skills and tactics appropriate for the age group
Used teaching methods appropriate for the age group
Described the skills and tactics clearly
Comments regarding practices:

Please rate each coach listed on the following: 1 strongly disagree to 5 strongly agree
Games (At games, the coach…)
Coach A Coach B Coach C Coach D
Arrived early enough to prepare the team
Drew out a strong work ethic from the players
Had a positive attitude with the players
Provided corrective feedback in a constructive manner
Was sensitive to players’ egos, feelings and morale
Encouraged respect for umpires and opponents
Provided fair and equal playing time for players
Was fair to all players on the team
Comments regarding games:

Please rate each coach listed on the following: 1 strongly disagree to 5 strongly agree
Coach’s Characteristics (At games, the coach…)
Coach A Coach B Coach C Coach D
Had the capability to develop the players’ technical skills
Is knowledgeable about the sport and teaches it well
Listened to the players and accommodated their concerns
Provided regular feedback to build the players’ confidence
Accommodated the capabilities of individual players
Provided an environment that motivated your child
Created a fun, fair and competitive atmosphere
Spoke and listened to the players effectively
Communicated the season’s expectations
( tournaments, additional cost, etc.)
Communicated with parents effectively
Worked effectively with co-coaches & manager
Comments regarding coach’s characteristics:

Coach A Coach B Coach C Coach D
Would you like this person to coach your child again?
Would you recommend this coach for a team next season?

Additional Comments:

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